Signing functionality

This page describes pyHanko’s signing API.


Before continuing, you may want to take a look at the background on PDF signatures in the CLI documentation.

General API design

The value entry (/V) of a signature field in a PDF file is given by a PDF dictionary: the “signature object”. This signature object in turn contains a /Contents key (a byte string) with a DER-encoded rendition of the CMS object (see RFC 5652) containing the actual cryptographic signature. To avoid confusion, the latter will be referred to as the “signature CMS object”, and we’ll reserve the term “signature object” for the PDF dictionary that is the value of the signature field.

The signature object contains a /ByteRange key outlining the bytes of the document that should be hashed to validate the signature. As a general rule, the hash of the PDF file used in the signature is computed over all bytes in the file, except those under the /Contents key. In particular, the /ByteRange key of the signature object is actually part of the signed data, which implies that the size of the signature CMS object needs to be estimated ahead of time. As we’ll see soon, this has some minor implications for the API design (see this subsection in particular).

The pyHanko signing API is spread across sevaral modules in the pyhanko.sign package. Broadly speaking, it has three aspects:

  • PdfSignatureMetadata specifies high-level metadata & structural requirements for the signature object and (to a lesser degree) the signature CMS object.

  • Signer and its subclasses are responsible for the construction of the signature CMS object, but are in principle “PDF-agnostic”.

  • PdfSigner is the “steering” class that invokes the Signer on an IncrementalPdfFileWriter and takes care of formatting the resulting signature object according to the specifications of a PdfSignatureMetadata object.

This summary, while a bit of an oversimplification, provides a decent enough picture of the separation of concerns in the signing API. In particular, the fact that construction of the CMS object is delegated to another class that doesn’t need to bother with any of the PDF-specific minutiae makes it relatively easy to support other signing technology (e.g. particular HSMs).

A simple example

Virtually all parameters of PdfSignatureMetadata have sane defaults. The only exception is the one specifying the signature field to contain the signature—this parameter is always mandatory if the number of empty signature fields in the document isn’t exactly one.

In simple cases, signing a document can therefore be as easy as this:

from pyhanko.sign import signers
from pyhanko.pdf_utils.incremental_writer import IncrementalPdfFileWriter

cms_signer = signers.SimpleSigner.load(
    'path/to/signer/key.pem', 'path/to/signer/cert.pem',

with open('document.pdf', 'rb') as doc:
    w = IncrementalPdfFileWriter(doc)
    out = signers.sign_pdf(
        w, signers.PdfSignatureMetadata(field_name='Signature1'),

    # do stuff with 'out'
    # ...

The sign_pdf() function is a thin convenience wrapper around PdfSigner’s sign_pdf() method, with essentially the same API. The following code is more or less equivalent.

from pyhanko.sign import signers
from pyhanko.pdf_utils.incremental_writer import IncrementalPdfFileWriter

cms_signer = signers.SimpleSigner.load(
    'path/to/signer/key.pem', 'path/to/signer/cert.pem',

with open('document.pdf', 'rb') as doc:
    w = IncrementalPdfFileWriter(doc)
    out = signers.PdfSigner(

    # do stuff with 'out'
    # ...

The advantages of instantiating the PdfSigner object yourself include reusability and more granular control over the signature’s appearance.

In the above examples, out ends up containing a byte buffer (io.BytesIO object) with the signed output. You can control the output stream using the output or in_place parameters; see the documentation for sign_pdf().


Any IncrementalPdfFileWriter used in the creation of a signature should be discarded afterwards. Further modifications would simply invalidate the signature anyway.

For a full description of the optional parameters, see the API reference documentation for PdfSignatureMetadata and PdfSigner.


If there is no signature field with the name specified in the field_name parameter of PdfSignatureMetadata, pyHanko will (by default) create an invisible signature field to contain the signature. This behaviour can be turned off using the existing_fields_only parameter to sign_pdf(), or you can supply a custom field spec when initialising the PdfSigner.

For more details on signature fields and how to create them, take a look at Signature fields.

Timestamp handling

Cryptographic timestamps (specified by RFC 3161) play a role in PDF signatures in two different ways.

  • They can be used as part of a PDF signature (embedded into the signature CMS object) to establish a (verifiable) record of the time of signing.

  • They can also be used in a stand-alone way to provide document timestamps (PDF 2.0).

From a PDF syntax point of view, standalone document timestamps are formally very similar to PDF signatures. PyHanko implements these using the timestamp_pdf() method of PdfTimeStamper (which is actually a superclass of PdfSigner).

Timestamp tokens (TST) embedded into PDF signatures are arguably the more common occurrence. These function as countersignatures to the signer’s signature, proving that a signature existed at a certain point in time. This is a necessary condition for (most) long-term verifiability schemes.

Typically, such timestamp tokens are provided over HTTP, from a trusted time stamping authority (TSA), using the protocol specified in RFC 3161. PyHanko provides a client for this protocol; see HTTPTimeStamper.

A PdfSigner can specify a default TimeStamper to procure timestamp tokens from some TSA, but sometimes pyHanko can infer a TSA endpoint from the signature field’s seed values.

The example from the previous section doesn’t need to be modified by a lot to include a trusted timestamp in the signature.

from pyhanko.sign import signers
from pyhanko.pdf_utils.incremental_writer import IncrementalPdfFileWriter

cms_signer = signers.SimpleSigner.load(
    'path/to/signer/key.pem', 'path/to/signer/cert.pem',

tst_client = timestamps.HTTPTimeStamper('')

with open('document.pdf', 'rb') as doc:
    w = IncrementalPdfFileWriter(doc)
    out = signers.sign_pdf(
        w, signers.PdfSignatureMetadata(field_name='Signature1'),
        signer=cms_signer, timestamper=tst_client

    # do stuff with 'out'
    # ...

As a general rule, pyHanko will attempt to obtain a timestamp token whenever a TimeStamper is available, but you may sometimes see more TST requests go over the wire than the number of signatures you’re creating. This is normal: since the timestamps are to be embedded into the signature CMS object of the signature, pyHanko needs a sample token to estimate the CMS object’s size3. These “dummy tokens” are cached on the TimeStamper, so you can cut down on the number of such unnecessary requests by reusing the same TimeStamper for many signatures.

Extending Signer

Providing detailed guidance on how to implement your own Signer subclass is beyond the scope of this guide—the implementations of SimpleSigner and PKCS11Signer should help. This subsection merely highlights some of the issues you should keep in mind.

First, if all you want to do is implement a signing device or technique that’s not supported by pyHanko1, it should be sufficient to implement sign_raw(). This method computes the raw cryptographic signature of some data (typically a document hash) with the appropriate key material. It also takes a dry_run flag, signifying that the returned object should merely have the correct size, but the content doesn’t matter2.

If your requirements necessitate further modifications to the structure of the CMS object, you’ll most likely have to override sign(), which is responsible for the construction of the CMS object itself.



… and doesn’t require any cryptographic parameters. Signature mechanisms with parameters (such as RSA-PSS) are a bit more tricky. RSA-PSS is on the roadmap for pyHanko; once that has been implemented, using custom signature mechanisms with parameters should also become a bit more straightforward.


The dry_run flag is used in the estimation of the CMS object’s size. With key material held in memory it doesn’t really matter all that much, but if the signature is provided by a HSM, or requires additional input on the user’s end (such as a PIN), you typically don’t want to use the “real” signing method in dry-run mode.


The size of a timestamp token is difficult to predict ahead of time, since it depends on many unknown factors, including the number & form of the various certificates that might come embedded within them.