pyhanko.sign.signers.pdf_cms module

This module defines utility classes to format CMS objects for use in PDF signatures.

class pyhanko.sign.signers.pdf_cms.Signer(prefer_pss=False)

Bases: object

Abstract signer object that is agnostic as to where the cryptographic operations actually happen.

As of now, pyHanko provides two implementations:

  • SimpleSigner implements the easy case where all the key material can be loaded into memory.

  • PKCS11Signer implements a signer that is capable of interfacing with a PKCS11 device (see also BEIDSigner).


prefer_pss – When signing using an RSA key, prefer PSS padding to legacy PKCS#1 v1.5 padding. Default is False. This option has no effect on non-RSA signatures.

signing_cert: asn1crypto.x509.Certificate

The certificate that will be used to create the signature.

cert_registry: pyhanko.sign.general.CertificateStore

Collection of certificates associated with this signer. Note that this is simply a bookkeeping tool; in particular it doesn’t care about trust.

signature_mechanism: asn1crypto.algos.SignedDigestAlgorithm = None

The (cryptographic) signature mechanism to use.


Get the signature mechanism for this signer to use. If signature_mechanism is set, it will be used. Otherwise, this method will attempt to put together a default based on mechanism used in the signer’s certificate.


digest_algorithm – Digest algorithm to use as part of the signature mechanism. Only used if a signature mechanism object has to be put together on-the-fly, and the digest algorithm could not be inferred from the signer’s certificate.


A SignedDigestAlgorithm object.

sign_raw(data: bytes, digest_algorithm: str, dry_run=False) bytes

Compute the raw cryptographic signature of the data provided, hashed using the digest algorithm provided.

  • data – Data to sign.

  • digest_algorithm

    Digest algorithm to use.


    If signature_mechanism also specifies a digest, they should match.

  • dry_run – Do not actually create a signature, but merely output placeholder bytes that would suffice to contain an actual signature.


Signature bytes.

property subject_name

The subject’s common name as a string, extracted from signing_cert.

static format_revinfo(ocsp_responses: Optional[list] = None, crls: Optional[list] = None)

Format Adobe-style revocation information for inclusion into a CMS object.

  • ocsp_responses – A list of OCSP responses to include.

  • crls – A list of CRLs to include.


A CMS attribute containing the relevant data.

signed_attrs(data_digest: bytes, digest_algorithm: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, content_type='data', revocation_info=None, use_pades=False, cades_meta: Optional[pyhanko.sign.ades.api.CAdESSignedAttrSpec] = None, timestamper=None, dry_run=False)

Changed in version 0.4.0: Added positional digest_algorithm parameter _(breaking change)_.

Changed in version 0.5.0: Added dry_run, timestamper and cades_meta parameters.

Format the signed attributes for a CMS signature.

  • data_digest – Raw digest of the data to be signed.

  • digest_algorithm

    New in version 0.4.0.

    Name of the digest algorithm used to compute the digest.

  • timestamp – Current timestamp (ignored when use_pades is True).

  • revocation_info – Revocation information to embed; this should be the output of a call to Signer.format_revinfo() or None (ignored when use_pades is True).

  • use_pades – Respect PAdES requirements.

  • dry_run

    New in version 0.5.0.

    Flag indicating “dry run” mode. If True, only the approximate size of the output matters, so cryptographic operations can be replaced by placeholders.

  • timestamper

    New in version 0.5.0.

    Timestamper to use when creating timestamp tokens.

  • cades_meta

    New in version 0.5.0.

    Specification for CAdES-specific attributes.

  • content_type

    CMS content type of the encapsulated data. Default is data.


    This parameter is internal API, and non-default values must not be used to produce PDF signatures.


An asn1crypto.cms.CMSAttributes object.

unsigned_attrs(digest_algorithm, signature: bytes, timestamper=None, dry_run=False) Optional[asn1crypto.cms.CMSAttributes]

Compute the unsigned attributes to embed into the CMS object. This function is called after signing the hash of the signed attributes (see signed_attrs()).

By default, this method only handles timestamp requests, but other functionality may be added by subclasses

If this method returns None, no unsigned attributes will be embedded.

  • digest_algorithm – Digest algorithm used to hash the signed attributes.

  • signature – Signature of the signed attribute hash.

  • timestamper – Timestamp supplier to use.

  • dry_run – Flag indicating “dry run” mode. If True, only the approximate size of the output matters, so cryptographic operations can be replaced by placeholders.


The unsigned attributes to add, or None.

signer_info(digest_algorithm: str, signed_attrs, signature)

Format the SignerInfo entry for a CMS signature.

  • digest_algorithm – Digest algorithm to use.

  • signed_attrs – Signed attributes (see signed_attrs()).

  • signature – The raw signature to embed (see sign_raw()).


An asn1crypto.cms.SignerInfo object.

sign(data_digest: bytes, digest_algorithm: str, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, dry_run=False, revocation_info=None, use_pades=False, timestamper=None, cades_signed_attr_meta: Optional[pyhanko.sign.ades.api.CAdESSignedAttrSpec] = None, encap_content_info=None) asn1crypto.cms.ContentInfo

Produce a detached CMS signature from a raw data digest.

  • data_digest – Digest of the actual content being signed.

  • digest_algorithm – Digest algorithm to use. This should be the same digest method as the one used to hash the (external) content.

  • timestamp

    Signing time to embed into the signed attributes (will be ignored if use_pades is True).


    This timestamp value is to be interpreted as an unfounded assertion by the signer, which may or may not be good enough for your purposes.

  • dry_run

    If True, the actual signing step will be replaced with a placeholder.

    In a PDF signing context, this is necessary to estimate the size of the signature container before computing the actual digest of the document.

  • revocation_info – Revocation information to embed; this should be the output of a call to Signer.format_revinfo() (ignored when use_pades is True).

  • use_pades – Respect PAdES requirements.

  • timestamper

    TimeStamper used to obtain a trusted timestamp token that can be embedded into the signature container.


    If dry_run is true, the timestamper’s dummy_response() method will be called to obtain a placeholder token. Note that with a standard HTTPTimeStamper, this might still hit the timestamping server (in order to produce a realistic size estimate), but the dummy response will be cached.

  • cades_signed_attr_meta

    New in version 0.5.0.

    Specification for CAdES-specific signed attributes.

  • encap_content_info

    Data to encapsulate in the CMS object.


    This parameter is internal API, and must not be used to produce PDF signatures.


An ContentInfo object.

sign_prescribed_attributes(digest_algorithm: str, signed_attrs: asn1crypto.cms.CMSAttributes, cms_version='v1', dry_run=False, timestamper=None, encap_content_info=None) asn1crypto.cms.ContentInfo

Start the CMS signing process with the prescribed set of signed attributes.

  • digest_algorithm – Digest algorithm to use. This should be the same digest method as the one used to hash the (external) content.

  • signed_attrs – CMS attributes to sign.

  • dry_run

    If True, the actual signing step will be replaced with a placeholder.

    In a PDF signing context, this is necessary to estimate the size of the signature container before computing the actual digest of the document.

  • timestamper

    TimeStamper used to obtain a trusted timestamp token that can be embedded into the signature container.


    If dry_run is true, the timestamper’s dummy_response() method will be called to obtain a placeholder token. Note that with a standard HTTPTimeStamper, this might still hit the timestamping server (in order to produce a realistic size estimate), but the dummy response will be cached.

  • cms_version – CMS version to use.

  • encap_content_info

    Data to encapsulate in the CMS object.


    This parameter is internal API, and must not be used to produce PDF signatures.


An ContentInfo object.

sign_general_data(input_data: Union[IO, bytes, asn1crypto.cms.ContentInfo, asn1crypto.cms.EncapsulatedContentInfo], digest_algorithm: str, detached=True, timestamp: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, use_cades=False, timestamper=None, cades_signed_attr_meta: Optional[pyhanko.sign.ades.api.CAdESSignedAttrSpec] = None, chunk_size=4096, max_read=None) asn1crypto.cms.ContentInfo

Produce a CMS signature for an arbitrary data stream (not necessarily PDF data).

New in version 0.7.0.

  • input_data

    The input data to sign. This can be either a bytes object a file-type object, a cms.ContentInfo object or a cms.EncapsulatedContentInfo object.


    asn1crypto mandates cms.ContentInfo for CMS v1 signatures. In practical terms, this means that you need to use cms.ContentInfo if the content type is data, and cms.EncapsulatedContentInfo otherwise.


    We currently only support CMS v1 and v3 signatures. This is only a concern if you need attribute certificate support, in which case you can override the CMS version number yourself (this will not invalidate any signatures).

  • digest_algorithm – The name of the digest algorithm to use.

  • detached – If True, create a CMS detached signature (i.e. an object where the encapsulated content is not embedded in the signature object itself). This is the default. If False, the content to be signed will be embedded as encapsulated content.

  • timestamp

    Signing time to embed into the signed attributes (will be ignored if use_cades is True).


    This timestamp value is to be interpreted as an unfounded assertion by the signer, which may or may not be good enough for your purposes.

  • use_cades – Construct a CAdES-style CMS object.

  • timestamper

    PdfTimeStamper to use to create a signature timestamp


    If you want to create a content timestamp (as opposed to a signature timestamp), see CAdESSignedAttrSpec.

  • cades_signed_attr_meta – Specification for CAdES-specific signed attributes.

  • chunk_size – Chunk size to use when consuming input data.

  • max_read – Maximal number of bytes to read from the input stream.


A CMS ContentInfo object of type signedData.

class pyhanko.sign.signers.pdf_cms.SimpleSigner(signing_cert: asn1crypto.x509.Certificate, signing_key: asn1crypto.keys.PrivateKeyInfo, cert_registry: pyhanko.sign.general.CertificateStore, signature_mechanism: Optional[asn1crypto.algos.SignedDigestAlgorithm] = None, prefer_pss=False)

Bases: pyhanko.sign.signers.pdf_cms.Signer

Simple signer implementation where the key material is available in local memory.

signing_key: asn1crypto.keys.PrivateKeyInfo

Private key associated with the certificate in signing_cert.

sign_raw(data: bytes, digest_algorithm: str, dry_run=False) bytes

Compute the raw cryptographic signature of the data provided, hashed using the digest algorithm provided.

  • data – Data to sign.

  • digest_algorithm

    Digest algorithm to use.


    If signature_mechanism also specifies a digest, they should match.

  • dry_run – Do not actually create a signature, but merely output placeholder bytes that would suffice to contain an actual signature.


Signature bytes.

classmethod load_pkcs12(pfx_file, ca_chain_files=None, passphrase=None, signature_mechanism=None, prefer_pss=False)

Load certificates and key material from a PCKS#12 archive (usually .pfx or .p12 files).

  • pfx_file – Path to the PKCS#12 archive.

  • ca_chain_files – Path to (PEM/DER) files containing other relevant certificates not included in the PKCS#12 file.

  • passphrase – Passphrase to decrypt the PKCS#12 archive, if required.

  • signature_mechanism – Override the signature mechanism to use.

  • prefer_pss – Prefer PSS signature mechanism over RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 if there’s a choice.


A SimpleSigner object initialised with key material loaded from the PKCS#12 file provided.

classmethod load(key_file, cert_file, ca_chain_files=None, key_passphrase=None, other_certs=None, signature_mechanism=None, prefer_pss=False)

Load certificates and key material from PEM/DER files.

  • key_file – File containing the signer’s private key.

  • cert_file – File containing the signer’s certificate.

  • ca_chain_files – File containing other relevant certificates.

  • key_passphrase – Passphrase to decrypt the private key (if required).

  • other_certs – Other relevant certificates, specified as a list of asn1crypto.x509.Certificate objects.

  • signature_mechanism – Override the signature mechanism to use.

  • prefer_pss – Prefer PSS signature mechanism over RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 if there’s a choice.


A SimpleSigner object initialised with key material loaded from the files provided.

class pyhanko.sign.signers.pdf_cms.ExternalSigner(signing_cert: asn1crypto.x509.Certificate, cert_registry: pyhanko.sign.general.CertificateStore, signature_value: bytes, signature_mechanism: Optional[asn1crypto.algos.SignedDigestAlgorithm] = None, prefer_pss=False)

Bases: pyhanko.sign.signers.pdf_cms.Signer

Class to help formatting CMS objects for use with remote signing. It embeds a fixed signature value into the CMS, set at initialisation.

Intended for use with Interrupted signing.

signing_cert: asn1crypto.x509.Certificate

The certificate that will be used to create the signature.

cert_registry: pyhanko.sign.general.CertificateStore

Collection of certificates associated with this signer. Note that this is simply a bookkeeping tool; in particular it doesn’t care about trust.

sign_raw(data: bytes, digest_algorithm: str, dry_run=False) bytes

Return a fixed signature value.

class pyhanko.sign.signers.pdf_cms.PdfCMSSignedAttributes(signing_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, adobe_revinfo_attr: Optional[asn1crypto.cms.CMSAttribute] = None, cades_signed_attrs: Optional[pyhanko.sign.ades.api.CAdESSignedAttrSpec] = None)

Bases: object

New in version 0.7.0.

Serialisable container class describing input for various signed attributes in a CMS object for a PDF signature.

signing_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None

Timestamp for the signingTime attribute. Will be ignored in a PAdES context.

adobe_revinfo_attr: Optional[asn1crypto.cms.CMSAttribute] = None

Adobe-style signed revocation info attribute.

cades_signed_attrs: Optional[pyhanko.sign.ades.api.CAdESSignedAttrSpec] = None

Optional settings for CAdES-style signed attributes.