pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv package


pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.ades_past module

async pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.ades_past.past_validate(path: ValidationPath, validation_policy_spec: CertValidationPolicySpec, validation_data_handlers: ValidationDataHandlers, init_control_time: datetime | None = None, best_signature_time: datetime | None = None) datetime

Execute the ETSI EN 319 102-1 past certificate validation algorithm against the given path (ETSI EN 319 102-1, §

Instead of merely evaluating X.509 validation constraints, the algorithm will perform a full point-in-time reevaluation of the path at the control time mandated by the specification. This implies that a caller implementing the past signature validation algorithm no longer needs to explicitly reevaluate CA certificate revocation times and/or algorithm constraints based on POEs.


This is incubating internal API.

  • path – The prospective validation path against which to execute the algorithm.

  • validation_policy_spec – The validation policy specification.

  • validation_data_handlers – The handlers used to manage collected certificates,revocation information and proof-of-existence records.

  • init_control_time – Initial control time; defaults to the current time.

  • best_signature_time – Usage time to use in freshness computations.


The control time returned by the time sliding algorithm. Informally, the last time at which the certificate was known to be valid.

pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.errors module

exception pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.errors.PastValidatePrecheckFailure(message: str)

Bases: ValidationError

exception pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.errors.TimeSlideFailure(message: str)

Bases: ValidationError

pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe module

class pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe.ValidationObjectType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Types of validation objects recognised by ETSI TS 119 102-2.

CERTIFICATE = 'certificate'
TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp'
EVIDENCE_RECORD = 'evidencerecord'
PUBLIC_KEY = 'publicKey'
SIGNED_DATA = 'signedData'
OTHER = 'other'
class pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe.ValidationObject(object_type: ValidationObjectType, value: Any)

Bases: object

A validation object used in the course of a validation operation for which proofs of existence can potentially be gathered.

object_type: ValidationObjectType

The type of validation object.

value: Any

The actual object.

Currently, the following types are supported explicitly. Others must currently be supplied as bytes.

class pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe.POEType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

PROVIDED = 'provided'
VALIDATION = 'validation'
POLICY = 'policy'
property urn: str
class pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe.KnownPOE(poe_type: pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe.POEType, digest: bytes, poe_time: datetime.datetime, validation_object: pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe.ValidationObject | None = None)

Bases: object

poe_type: POEType
digest: bytes
poe_time: datetime
validation_object: ValidationObject | None = None
class pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe.POEManager(current_dt_override: datetime | None = None)

Bases: object

Class to manage proof-of-existence (POE) claims.


current_dt_override – Override the current time.

register(data: bytes | CRLContainer | OCSPContainer | Certificate, poe_type: POEType, dt: datetime | None = None) KnownPOE

Register a new POE claim if no POE for an earlier time is available.

  • data – Data to register a POE claim for.

  • poe_type – The type of POE.

  • dt – The POE time to register. If None, assume the current time.


The oldest POE datetime available.

register_by_digest(digest: bytes, poe_type: POEType, dt: datetime | None = None) KnownPOE

Register a new POE claim if no POE for an earlier time is available.

  • digest – SHA-256 digest of the data to register a POE claim for.

  • dt – The POE time to register. If None, assume the current time.

  • poe_type – The type of POE.


The oldest POE datetime available.

register_known_poe(known_poe: KnownPOE) KnownPOE

Register a new POE claim if no POE for an earlier time is available.


known_poe – The POE object to register.


The oldest POE for the given digest.

pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.poe.digest_for_poe(data: bytes) bytes

pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.time_slide module

async pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.time_slide.time_slide(path: ValidationPath, init_control_time: datetime, revinfo_manager: RevinfoManager, rev_trust_policy: CertRevTrustPolicy, algo_usage_policy: AlgorithmUsagePolicy | None, time_tolerance: timedelta) datetime

Execute the ETSI EN 319 102-1 time slide algorithm against the given path.


This is incubating internal API.


This implementation will also attempt to take into account chains of trust of indirect CRLs. This is not a requirement of the specification, but also somewhat unlikely to arise in practice in cases where AdES compliance actually matters.

  • path – The prospective validation path against which to execute the time slide algorithm.

  • init_control_time – The initial control time, typically the current time.

  • revinfo_manager – The revocation info manager.

  • rev_trust_policy – The trust policy for revocation information.

  • algo_usage_policy – The algorithm usage policy.

  • time_tolerance – The tolerance to apply when evaluating time-related constraints.


The resulting control time.

async pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.time_slide.ades_gather_prima_facie_revinfo(path: ValidationPath, revinfo_manager: RevinfoManager, control_time: datetime, revocation_checking_rule: RevocationCheckingRule) Tuple[List[CRLOfInterest], List[OCSPResponseOfInterest]]

Gather potentially relevant revocation information for the leaf certificate of a candidate validation path. Only the scope of the revocation information will be checked, no detailed validation will occur.

  • path – The candidate validation path.

  • revinfo_manager – The revocation info manager.

  • control_time – The time horizon that serves as a relevance cutoff.

  • revocation_checking_rule – Revocation info rule controlling which kind(s) of revocation information will be fetched.


A 2-element tuple containing a list of the fetched CRLs and OCSP responses, respectively.

pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.types module

class pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.types.ValidationTimingInfo(validation_time: datetime.datetime, best_signature_time: datetime.datetime, point_in_time_validation: bool)

Bases: object

validation_time: datetime
best_signature_time: datetime
point_in_time_validation: bool
classmethod now(tz: tzinfo | None = None) ValidationTimingInfo
class pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.types.ValidationTimingParams(timing_info: pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.types.ValidationTimingInfo, time_tolerance: datetime.timedelta)

Bases: object

timing_info: ValidationTimingInfo
time_tolerance: timedelta
property validation_time
property best_signature_time
property point_in_time_validation
class pyhanko_certvalidator.ltv.types.IssuedItemContainer

Bases: ABC

A container for some data object issued by an entity (e.g. a certificate).

property issuance_date: datetime | None

The issuance date of the item.

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