pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo package


pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival module

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.RevinfoUsabilityRating(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Description of whether a piece of revocation information is considered usable in the circumstances provided.

OK = 1

The revocation information is usable.


The revocation information is stale/too old.


The revocation information is too recent.


This is never an issue in the AdES validation model.


The usability of the revocation information could not be assessed unambiguously.

property usable_ades: bool

Boolean indicating whether the assigned rating corresponds to a “fresh” judgment in AdES.

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.RevinfoUsability(rating: RevinfoUsabilityRating, last_usable_at: datetime | None = None)

Bases: object

Usability rating and cutoff date for a particular piece of revocation information.

rating: RevinfoUsabilityRating

The rating assigned.

last_usable_at: datetime | None = None

The last date at which the revocation information could have been considered usable, if applicable.

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.RevinfoContainer

Bases: IssuedItemContainer, ABC

A container for a piece of revocation information.

usable_at(policy: CertRevTrustPolicy, timing_params: ValidationTimingParams) RevinfoUsability

Assess the usability of the revocation information given a revocation information trust policy and timing parameters.

  • policy – The revocation information trust policy.

  • timing_params – Timing-related information.


A RevinfoUsability judgment.

property revinfo_sig_mechanism_used: SignedDigestAlgorithm | None

Extract the signature mechanism used to guarantee the authenticity of the revocation information, if applicable.

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.OCSPContainer(ocsp_response_data: OCSPResponse, index: int = 0)

Bases: RevinfoContainer

Container for an OCSP response.

ocsp_response_data: OCSPResponse

The OCSP response value.

index: int = 0

The index of the SingleResponse payload in the original OCSP response object retrieved from the server, if applicable.

classmethod load_multi(ocsp_response: OCSPResponse) List[OCSPContainer]

Turn an OCSP response object into one or more OCSPContainer objects. If a OCSPContainer contains more than one SingleResponse, then the same OCSP response will be duplicated into multiple containers, each with a different index value.


ocsp_response – An OCSP response.


A list of OCSPContainer objects, one for each SingleResponse value.

property issuance_date: datetime | None

The issuance date of the item.

usable_at(policy: CertRevTrustPolicy, timing_params: ValidationTimingParams) RevinfoUsability

Assess the usability of the revocation information given a revocation information trust policy and timing parameters.

  • policy – The revocation information trust policy.

  • timing_params – Timing-related information.


A RevinfoUsability judgment.

extract_basic_ocsp_response() BasicOCSPResponse | None

Extract the BasicOCSPResponse, assuming there is one (i.e. the OCSP response is a standard, non-error response).

extract_single_response() SingleResponse | None

Extract the unique SingleResponse value identified by the index.

property revinfo_sig_mechanism_used: SignedDigestAlgorithm | None

Extract the signature mechanism used to guarantee the authenticity of the revocation information, if applicable.

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.CRLContainer(crl_data: CertificateList)

Bases: RevinfoContainer

Container for a certificate revocation list (CRL).

crl_data: CertificateList

The CRL data.

usable_at(policy: CertRevTrustPolicy, timing_params: ValidationTimingParams) RevinfoUsability

Assess the usability of the revocation information given a revocation information trust policy and timing parameters.

  • policy – The revocation information trust policy.

  • timing_params – Timing-related information.


A RevinfoUsability judgment.

property issuance_date: datetime | None

The issuance date of the item.

property revinfo_sig_mechanism_used: SignedDigestAlgorithm

Extract the signature mechanism used to guarantee the authenticity of the revocation information, if applicable.

pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.sort_freshest_first(lst: Iterable[RevInfoType]) List[RevInfoType]

Sort a list of revocation information containers in freshest-first order.

Revocation information that does not have a well-defined issuance date will be grouped at the end.


lst – A list of RevinfoContainer objects of the same type.


The same list sorted from fresh to stale.

pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.process_legacy_crl_input(crls: Iterable[bytes | CertificateList | CRLContainer]) List[CRLContainer]

Internal function to process legacy CRL data into one or more CRLContainer.


crls – Legacy CRL input data.


A list of CRLContainer objects.

pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.process_legacy_ocsp_input(ocsps: Iterable[bytes | OCSPResponse | OCSPContainer]) List[OCSPContainer]

Internal function to process legacy OCSP data into one or more OCSPContainer.


ocsps – Legacy OCSP input data.


A list of OCSPContainer objects.

pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.constants module

pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.manager module

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.manager.RevinfoManager(certificate_registry: CertificateRegistry, poe_manager: POEManager, crls: Iterable[CRLContainer], ocsps: Iterable[OCSPContainer], assertions: Iterable[NonRevokedStatusAssertion] = (), fetchers: Fetchers | None = None)

Bases: object

Added in version 0.20.0.

Class to manage and potentially fetch revocation information.

  • certificate_registry – The associated certificate registry.

  • poe_manager – The proof-of-existence (POE) data manager.

  • crls – CRL data.

  • ocsps – OCSP response data.

  • fetchers – Fetchers for collecting revocation information. If None, no fetching will be performed.

property poe_manager: POEManager

The proof-of-existence (POE) data manager.

property certificate_registry: CertificateRegistry

The associated certificate registry.

property fetching_allowed: bool

Boolean indicating whether fetching is allowed.

property crls: List[CertificateList]

A list of all cached crl.CertificateList objects

property ocsps: List[OCSPResponse]

A list of all cached ocsp.OCSPResponse objects

property new_revocation_certs: List[Certificate]

A list of newly-fetched x509.Certificate objects that were obtained from OCSP responses and CRLs

record_crl_issuer(certificate_list, cert)

Records the certificate that issued a certificate list. Used to reduce processing code when dealing with self-issued certificates and multiple CRLs.

  • certificate_list – An ans1crypto.crl.CertificateList object

  • cert – An ans1crypto.x509.Certificate object

check_crl_issuer(certificate_list) Certificate | None

Checks to see if the certificate that signed a certificate list has been found


certificate_list – An ans1crypto.crl.CertificateList object


None if not found, or an asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object of the issuer

async async_retrieve_crls(cert) List[CRLContainer]

Added in version 0.20.0.


cert – An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object


A list of CRLContainer objects

async async_retrieve_ocsps(cert, authority: Authority) List[OCSPContainer]

Added in version 0.20.0.

  • cert – An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object

  • authority – The issuing authority for the certificate


A list of OCSPContainer objects

evict_ocsps(hashes_to_evict: Set[bytes])

Internal API to eliminate local OCSP records from consideration.


hashes_to_evict – A collection of OCSP response hashes; see digest_for_poe().

evict_crls(hashes_to_evict: Set[bytes])

Internal API to eliminate local CRLs from consideration.


hashes_to_evict – A collection of CRL hashes; see digest_for_poe().

check_asserted_unrevoked(cert: Certificate, at: datetime) bool

pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_crl module

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_crl.CRLWithPaths(crl: CRLContainer, paths: List[ValidationPath])

Bases: object

A CRL with a number of candidate paths

crl: CRLContainer
paths: List[ValidationPath]
async pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_crl.verify_crl(cert: Certificate | AttributeCertificateV2, path: ValidationPath, validation_context: ValidationContext, use_deltas=True, proc_state: ValProcState | None = None)

Verifies a certificate against a list of CRLs, checking to make sure the certificate has not been revoked. Uses the algorithm from as a basis, but the implementation differs to allow CRLs from unrecorded locations.

  • cert – An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate or asn1crypto.cms.AttributeCertificateV2 object to check for in the CRLs

  • path – A pyhanko_certvalidator.path.ValidationPath object of the cert’s validation path, or in the case of an AC, the AA’s validation path.

  • validation_context – A pyhanko_certvalidator.context.ValidationContext object to use for caching validation information

  • use_deltas – A boolean indicating if delta CRLs should be used

  • proc_state – Internal state for error reporting and policy application decisions.


pyhanko_certvalidator.errors.CRLNoMatchesError - when none of the CRLs match the certificate pyhanko_certvalidator.errors.CRLValidationError - when any error occurs trying to verify the CertificateList pyhanko_certvalidator.errors.RevokedError - when the CRL indicates the certificate has been revoked

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_crl.ProvisionalCRLTrust(path: ValidationPath, delta: CRLContainer | None)

Bases: object

A provisional CRL path, together with an optional delta CRL that may be relevant.

path: ValidationPath

A provisional validation path for the CRL. Requires path validation.

delta: CRLContainer | None

A delta CRL that may be relevant to the parent CRL for which the path was put together.

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_crl.CRLOfInterest(crl: CRLContainer, prov_paths: List[ProvisionalCRLTrust], is_indirect: bool, crl_authority_name: Name)

Bases: object

A CRL of interest.

crl: CRLContainer

The CRL data, packaged in a revocation info container.

prov_paths: List[ProvisionalCRLTrust]

Candidate validation paths for the CRL, together with relevant delta CRLs, if appropriate.

is_indirect: bool

Boolean indicating whether the CRL is an indirect one.

crl_authority_name: Name

Distinguished name for the authority for which the CRL controls revocation.

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_crl.CRLCollectionResult(crls: List[CRLOfInterest], failure_msgs: List[str])

Bases: object

The result of a CRL collection operation for AdES point-in-time validation purposes.

crls: List[CRLOfInterest]

List of potentially relevant CRLs.

failure_msgs: List[str]

List of failure messages, for error reporting purposes.

async pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_crl.collect_relevant_crls_with_paths(cert: Certificate | AttributeCertificateV2, path: ValidationPath, revinfo_manager: RevinfoManager, control_time: datetime, use_deltas=True, proc_state: ValProcState | None = None) CRLCollectionResult

Collect potentially relevant CRLs with the associated validation paths. Will not perform actual path validation.

  • cert – The certificate under scrutiny.

  • path – The path currently being evaluated.

  • revinfo_manager – The revocation info manager.

  • control_time – The control time before which the validation info should have been issued.

  • use_deltas – Whether to include delta CRLs.

  • proc_state – The state of any prior validation process.


A CRLCollectionResult.

pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_crl.find_cert_in_list(cert: Certificate | AttributeCertificateV2, cert_issuer_name: Name, certificate_list: CertificateList, crl_authority_name: Name)

Looks for a cert in the list of revoked certificates

  • cert – An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object of the cert being checked, or an asn1crypto.cms.AttributeCertificateV2 object in the case of an attribute certificate.

  • cert_issuer_name – The certificate issuer’s distinguished name

  • certificate_list – An ans1crypto.crl.CertificateList object to look in for the cert

  • crl_authority_name – The distinguished name of the default authority for which the CRL issues certificates.


A tuple of (None, None) if not present, otherwise a tuple of (asn1crypto.x509.Time object, asn1crypto.crl.CRLReason object) representing the date/time the object was revoked and why

pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_ocsp module

async pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_ocsp.verify_ocsp_response(cert: Certificate | AttributeCertificateV2, path: ValidationPath, validation_context: ValidationContext, proc_state: ValProcState | None = None)

Verifies an OCSP response, checking to make sure the certificate has not been revoked. Fulfills the requirements of

  • cert – An asn1cyrpto.x509.Certificate object or an asn1crypto.cms.AttributeCertificateV2 object to verify the OCSP response for

  • path – A pyhanko_certvalidator.path.ValidationPath object of the cert’s validation path, or in the case of an AC, the AA’s validation path.

  • validation_context – A pyhanko_certvalidator.context.ValidationContext object to use for caching validation information

  • proc_state – Internal state for error reporting and policy application decisions.


pyhanko_certvalidator.errors.OCSPNoMatchesError - when none of the OCSP responses match the certificate pyhanko_certvalidator.errors.OCSPValidationIndeterminateError - when the OCSP response could not be verified pyhanko_certvalidator.errors.RevokedError - when the OCSP response indicates the certificate has been revoked

class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_ocsp.OCSPResponseOfInterest(ocsp_response: pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.archival.OCSPContainer, prov_path: pyhanko_certvalidator.path.ValidationPath)

Bases: object

ocsp_response: OCSPContainer
prov_path: ValidationPath
class pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_ocsp.OCSPCollectionResult(responses: List[OCSPResponseOfInterest], failure_msgs: List[str])

Bases: object

The result of an OCSP collection operation for AdES point-in-time validation purposes.

responses: List[OCSPResponseOfInterest]

List of potentially relevant OCSP responses.

failure_msgs: List[str]

List of failure messages, for error reporting purposes.

async pyhanko_certvalidator.revinfo.validate_ocsp.collect_relevant_responses_with_paths(cert: Certificate | AttributeCertificateV2, path: ValidationPath, revinfo_manager: RevinfoManager, control_time: datetime, proc_state: ValProcState | None = None) OCSPCollectionResult

Collect potentially relevant OCSP responses with the associated validation paths. Will not perform actual path validation.

  • cert – The certificate under scrutiny.

  • path – The path currently being evaluated.

  • revinfo_manager – The revocation info manager.

  • control_time – The control time before which the validation info should have been issued.

  • proc_state – The state of any prior validation process.


A OCSPCollectionResult.

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