pyhanko.config package


pyhanko.config.api module

This module contains utilities for allowing dataclasses to be populated by user-provided configuration (e.g. from a Yaml file).


On naming conventions: this module converts hyphens in key names to underscores as a matter of course.

class pyhanko.config.api.ConfigurableMixin

Bases: object

General configuration mixin for dataclasses

classmethod process_entries(config_dict)

Hook method that can modify the configuration dictionary to overwrite or tweak some of their values (e.g. to convert string parameters into more complex Python objects)

Subclasses that override this method should call super().process_entries(), and leave keys that they do not recognise untouched.


config_dict – A dictionary containing configuration values.


ConfigurationError – when there is a problem processing a relevant entry.

classmethod check_config_keys(keys_supplied: Set[str])

Check whether all supplied keys are meaningful.


keys_supplied – The keys supplied in the configuration.


ConfigurationError – if at least one key does not make sense.

classmethod from_config(config_dict)

Attempt to instantiate an object of the class on which it is called, by means of the configuration settings passed in.

First, we check that the keys supplied in the dictionary correspond to data fields on the current class. Then, the dictionary is processed using the process_entries() method. The resulting dictionary is passed to the initialiser of the current class as a kwargs dict.


config_dict – A dictionary containing configuration values.


An instance of the class on which it is called.


ConfigurationError – when an unexpected configuration key is encountered or left unfilled, or when there is a problem processing one of the config values.

pyhanko.config.api.check_config_keys(config_name, expected_keys, supplied_keys)
pyhanko.config.api.process_oid(asn1crypto_class: Type[ObjectIdentifier], id_string, param_name)
pyhanko.config.api.process_oids(asn1crypto_class: Type[ObjectIdentifier], strings, param_name)
pyhanko.config.api.process_bit_string_flags(asn1crypto_class: Type[BitString], strings, param_name)

pyhanko.config.errors module

exception pyhanko.config.errors.ConfigurationError(msg: str)

Bases: ValueError

Signal configuration errors.

pyhanko.config.local_keys module

class pyhanko.config.local_keys.PKCS12SignatureConfig(pfx_file: str, other_certs: List[Certificate] | None = None, pfx_passphrase: bytes | None = None, prompt_passphrase: bool = True, prefer_pss: bool = False)

Bases: ConfigurableMixin

Configuration for a signature using key material on disk, contained in a PKCS#12 bundle.

pfx_file: str

Path to the PKCS#12 file.

other_certs: List[Certificate] | None = None

Other relevant certificates.

pfx_passphrase: bytes | None = None

PKCS#12 passphrase (if relevant).

prompt_passphrase: bool = True

Prompt for the PKCS#12 passphrase. Default is True.


If key_passphrase is not None, this setting has no effect.

prefer_pss: bool = False

Prefer PSS to PKCS#1 v1.5 padding when creating RSA signatures.

classmethod process_entries(config_dict)

Hook method that can modify the configuration dictionary to overwrite or tweak some of their values (e.g. to convert string parameters into more complex Python objects)

Subclasses that override this method should call super().process_entries(), and leave keys that they do not recognise untouched.


config_dict – A dictionary containing configuration values.


ConfigurationError – when there is a problem processing a relevant entry.

class pyhanko.config.local_keys.PemDerSignatureConfig(key_file: str, cert_file: str, other_certs: List[Certificate] | None = None, key_passphrase: bytes | None = None, prompt_passphrase: bool = True, prefer_pss: bool = False)

Bases: ConfigurableMixin

Configuration for a signature using PEM or DER-encoded key material on disk.

key_file: str

Signer’s private key.

cert_file: str

Signer’s certificate.

other_certs: List[Certificate] | None = None

Other relevant certificates.

key_passphrase: bytes | None = None

Signer’s key passphrase (if relevant).

prompt_passphrase: bool = True

Prompt for the key passphrase. Default is True.


If key_passphrase is not None, this setting has no effect.

prefer_pss: bool = False

Prefer PSS to PKCS#1 v1.5 padding when creating RSA signatures.

classmethod process_entries(config_dict)

Hook method that can modify the configuration dictionary to overwrite or tweak some of their values (e.g. to convert string parameters into more complex Python objects)

Subclasses that override this method should call super().process_entries(), and leave keys that they do not recognise untouched.


config_dict – A dictionary containing configuration values.


ConfigurationError – when there is a problem processing a relevant entry.

pyhanko.config.logging module

class pyhanko.config.logging.StdLogOutput(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

class pyhanko.config.logging.LogConfig(level: int | str, output: pyhanko.config.logging.StdLogOutput | str)

Bases: object

level: int | str

Logging level, should be one of the levels defined in the logging module.

output: StdLogOutput | str

Name of the output file, or a standard one.

static parse_output_spec(spec) StdLogOutput | str
pyhanko.config.logging.parse_logging_config(log_config_spec) Dict[str | None, LogConfig]

pyhanko.config.pkcs11 module

class pyhanko.config.pkcs11.TokenCriteria(label: str | None = None, serial: bytes | None = None)

Bases: ConfigurableMixin

Added in version 0.14.0.

Search criteria for a PKCS#11 token.

label: str | None = None

Label of the token to use. If None, there is no constraint.

serial: bytes | None = None

Serial number of the token to use. If None, there is no constraint.

classmethod process_entries(config_dict)

Hook method that can modify the configuration dictionary to overwrite or tweak some of their values (e.g. to convert string parameters into more complex Python objects)

Subclasses that override this method should call super().process_entries(), and leave keys that they do not recognise untouched.


config_dict – A dictionary containing configuration values.


ConfigurationError – when there is a problem processing a relevant entry.

class pyhanko.config.pkcs11.PKCS11PinEntryMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Pin entry behaviour if the user PIN is not supplied as part of the config.


Prompt for a PIN (the default).


This value is only processed by the CLI, and ignored when the PKCS#11 signer is called from library code. In those cases, the default is effectively SKIP.


Let the PKCS #11 module handle its own authentication during login.


This applies to some devices that have physical PIN pads, for example.

SKIP = 3

Skip the login process altogether.


This applies to some devices that manage user authentication outside the scope of PKCS #11 entirely.

static parse_mode_setting(value: Any) PKCS11PinEntryMode
class pyhanko.config.pkcs11.PKCS11SignatureConfig(module_path: str, cert_label: str | None = None, cert_id: bytes | None = None, signing_certificate: Certificate | None = None, token_criteria: TokenCriteria | None = None, other_certs: List[Certificate] | None = None, key_label: str | None = None, key_id: bytes | None = None, slot_no: int | None = None, user_pin: str | None = None, prompt_pin: PKCS11PinEntryMode = PKCS11PinEntryMode.PROMPT, other_certs_to_pull: Iterable[str] | None = (), bulk_fetch: bool = True, prefer_pss: bool = False, raw_mechanism: bool = False)

Bases: ConfigurableMixin

Configuration for a PKCS#11 signature.

This class is used to load PKCS#11 setup information from YAML configuration.

module_path: str

Path to the PKCS#11 module shared object.

cert_label: str | None = None

PKCS#11 label of the signer’s certificate.

cert_id: bytes | None = None

PKCS#11 ID of the signer’s certificate.

signing_certificate: Certificate | None = None

The signer’s certificate. If present, cert_id and cert_label will not be used to obtain the signer’s certificate from the PKCS#11 token.


This can be useful in case the signer’s certificate is not available on the token, or if you would like to present a different certificate than the one provided on the token.

token_criteria: TokenCriteria | None = None

PKCS#11 token name

other_certs: List[Certificate] | None = None

Other relevant certificates.

key_label: str | None = None

PKCS#11 label of the signer’s private key. Defaults to cert_label if the latter is specified and key_id is not.

key_id: bytes | None = None

PKCS#11 key ID.

slot_no: int | None = None

Slot number of the PKCS#11 slot to use.

user_pin: str | None = None

The user’s PIN. If unspecified, the user will be prompted for a PIN if prompt_pin is True.


Some PKCS#11 tokens do not allow the PIN code to be communicated in this way, but manage their own authentication instead (the Belgian eID middleware is one such example). For such tokens, leave this setting set to None and additionally set prompt_pin to False.

prompt_pin: PKCS11PinEntryMode = 1

Set PIN entry and PKCS #11 login behaviour.


If user_pin is not None, this setting has no effect.

other_certs_to_pull: Iterable[str] | None = ()

List labels of other certificates to pull from the PKCS#11 device. Defaults to the empty tuple. If None, pull all certificates.

bulk_fetch: bool = True

Boolean indicating the fetching strategy. If True, fetch all certs and filter the unneeded ones. If False, fetch the requested certs one by one. Default value is True, unless other_certs_to_pull has one or fewer elements, in which case it is always treated as False.

prefer_pss: bool = False

Prefer PSS to PKCS#1 v1.5 padding when creating RSA signatures.

raw_mechanism: bool = False

Invoke the raw variant of the PKCS#11 signing operation.


This is currently only supported for ECDSA signatures.

classmethod check_config_keys(keys_supplied: Set[str])

Check whether all supplied keys are meaningful.


keys_supplied – The keys supplied in the configuration.


ConfigurationError – if at least one key does not make sense.

classmethod process_entries(config_dict)

Hook method that can modify the configuration dictionary to overwrite or tweak some of their values (e.g. to convert string parameters into more complex Python objects)

Subclasses that override this method should call super().process_entries(), and leave keys that they do not recognise untouched.


config_dict – A dictionary containing configuration values.


ConfigurationError – when there is a problem processing a relevant entry. module*, trust: Iterable[str] | str, trust_replace: bool, other_certs: Iterable[str] | str, retroactive_revinfo: bool = False, time_tolerance: timedelta | int | None = None) Dict[str, Any], time_tolerance, retroactive_revinfo) dict