pyhanko.sign package



pyhanko.sign.attributes module

class pyhanko.sign.attributes.SignedAttributeProviderSpec

Bases: ABC

Added in version 0.14.0.

Interface for setting up signed attributes, independently of the Signer hierarchy.

signed_attr_providers(data_digest: bytes, digest_algorithm: str) Iterable[CMSAttributeProvider]

Lazily set up signed attribute providers.

  • data_digest – The digest of the data to be signed.

  • digest_algorithm – The digest algorithm used.

class pyhanko.sign.attributes.UnsignedAttributeProviderSpec

Bases: ABC

Added in version 0.14.0.

Interface for setting up unsigned attributes, independently of the Signer hierarchy.

unsigned_attr_providers(signature: bytes, signed_attrs: CMSAttributes, digest_algorithm: str) Iterable[CMSAttributeProvider]

Lazily set up unsigned attribute providers.

  • signature – The signature computed over the signed attributes.

  • signed_attrs – Signed attributes over which the signature was taken.

  • digest_algorithm – The digest algorithm used.

class pyhanko.sign.attributes.CMSAttributeProvider

Bases: object

Base class to provide asynchronous CMS attribute values.

attribute_type: str

Name of the CMS attribute type this provider supplies. See cms.CMSAttributeType.

async build_attr_value(dry_run=False)

Build the attribute value asynchronously.


dry_runTrue if the signer is operating in dry-run (size estimation) mode.


An attribute value appropriate for the attribute type.

async get_attribute(dry_run=False) CMSAttribute | None
class pyhanko.sign.attributes.SigningTimeProvider(timestamp: datetime)

Bases: CMSAttributeProvider

Provide a value for the signing-time attribute (i.e. an otherwise unauthenticated timestamp).


timestamp – Datetime object to include.

attribute_type: str = 'signing_time'

Name of the CMS attribute type this provider supplies. See cms.CMSAttributeType.

async build_attr_value(dry_run=False) Time

Build the attribute value asynchronously.


dry_runTrue if the signer is operating in dry-run (size estimation) mode.


An attribute value appropriate for the attribute type.

class pyhanko.sign.attributes.SigningCertificateV2Provider(signing_cert: Certificate)

Bases: CMSAttributeProvider

Provide a value for the signing-certificate-v2 attribute.


signing_cert – Certificate containing the signer’s public key.

attribute_type: str = 'signing_certificate_v2'

Name of the CMS attribute type this provider supplies. See cms.CMSAttributeType.

async build_attr_value(dry_run=False) SigningCertificateV2

Build the attribute value asynchronously.


dry_runTrue if the signer is operating in dry-run (size estimation) mode.


An attribute value appropriate for the attribute type.

class pyhanko.sign.attributes.AdobeRevinfoProvider(value: RevocationInfoArchival)

Bases: CMSAttributeProvider

Yield Adobe-style revocation information for inclusion into a CMS object.


value – A (pre-formatted) RevocationInfoArchival object.

attribute_type: str = 'adobe_revocation_info_archival'

Name of the CMS attribute type this provider supplies. See cms.CMSAttributeType.

async build_attr_value(dry_run=False) RevocationInfoArchival | None

Build the attribute value asynchronously.


dry_runTrue if the signer is operating in dry-run (size estimation) mode.


An attribute value appropriate for the attribute type.

class pyhanko.sign.attributes.CMSAlgorithmProtectionProvider(digest_algo: str, signature_algo: SignedDigestAlgorithm)

Bases: CMSAttributeProvider

attribute_type: str = 'cms_algorithm_protection'

Name of the CMS attribute type this provider supplies. See cms.CMSAttributeType.

async build_attr_value(dry_run=False) CMSAlgorithmProtection

Build the attribute value asynchronously.


dry_runTrue if the signer is operating in dry-run (size estimation) mode.


An attribute value appropriate for the attribute type.

class pyhanko.sign.attributes.TSTProvider(digest_algorithm: str, data_to_ts: bytes, timestamper: TimeStamper, attr_type: str = 'signature_time_stamp_token', prehashed=False)

Bases: CMSAttributeProvider

async build_attr_value(dry_run=False) ContentInfo

Build the attribute value asynchronously.


dry_runTrue if the signer is operating in dry-run (size estimation) mode.


An attribute value appropriate for the attribute type.

pyhanko.sign.fields module

Utilities to deal with signature form fields and their properties in PDF files.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.SigFieldSpec(sig_field_name: str, on_page: int = 0, box: Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None, seed_value_dict: SigSeedValueSpec | None = None, field_mdp_spec: FieldMDPSpec | None = None, doc_mdp_update_value: MDPPerm | None = None, combine_annotation: bool = True, empty_field_appearance: bool = False, invis_sig_settings: InvisSigSettings = InvisSigSettings(set_print_flag=True, set_hidden_flag=False, box_out_of_bounds=False), readable_field_name: str | None = None, visible_sig_settings: VisibleSigSettings = VisibleSigSettings(rotate_with_page=True, scale_with_page_zoom=True, print_signature=True))

Bases: object

Description of a signature field to be created.

sig_field_name: str

Name of the signature field.

on_page: int = 0

Index of the page on which the signature field should be included (starting at 0). A negative number counts pages from the back of the document, with index -1 referring to the last page.


This is essentially only relevant for visible signature fields, i.e. those that have a widget associated with them.

box: Tuple[int, int, int, int] | None = None

Bounding box of the signature field, if applicable.

Typically specified in ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y format, where ll_* refers to the lower left and ur_* to the upper right corner.

seed_value_dict: SigSeedValueSpec | None = None

Specification for the seed value dictionary, if applicable.

field_mdp_spec: FieldMDPSpec | None = None

Specification for the field lock dictionary, if applicable.

doc_mdp_update_value: MDPPerm | None = None

Value to use for the document modification policy associated with the signature in this field.

This value will be embedded into the field lock dictionary if specified, and is meaningless if field_mdp_spec is not specified.


DocMDP entries for approval signatures are a PDF 2.0 feature. Older PDF software will likely ignore this part of the field lock dictionary.

combine_annotation: bool = True

Flag controlling whether the field should be combined with its annotation dictionary; True by default.

empty_field_appearance: bool = False

Generate a neutral appearance stream for empty, visible signature fields. If False, an empty appearance stream will be put in.


We use an empty appearance stream to satisfy the appearance requirements for widget annotations in ISO 32000-2. However, even when a nontrivial appearance stream is present on an empty signature field, many viewers will not use it to render the appearance of the empty field on-screen.

Instead, these viewers typically substitute their own native widget.

invis_sig_settings: InvisSigSettings = InvisSigSettings(set_print_flag=True, set_hidden_flag=False, box_out_of_bounds=False)

Advanced settings to control invisible signature field generation.

readable_field_name: str | None = None

Human-readable field name (/TU entry).


This value is commonly rendered as a tooltip in viewers, but also serves an accessibility purpose.

visible_sig_settings: VisibleSigSettings = VisibleSigSettings(rotate_with_page=True, scale_with_page_zoom=True, print_signature=True)

Advanced settings to control the generation of visible signature fields.

format_lock_dictionary() DictionaryObject | None
class pyhanko.sign.fields.SigSeedValFlags(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Flag

Flags for the /Ff entry in the seed value dictionary for a signature field. These mark which of the constraints are to be strictly enforced, as opposed to optional ones.


The flags LEGAL_ATTESTATION and APPEARANCE_FILTER are processed in accordance with the specification when creating a signature, but support is nevertheless limited.

  • PyHanko does not support legal attestations at all, so given that the LEGAL_ATTESTATION requirement flag only restricts the legal attestations that can be used by the signer, pyHanko can safely ignore it when signing.

    On the other hand, since the validator is not aware of legal attestations either, it cannot validate signatures that make legal_attestations a mandatory constraint.

  • Since pyHanko does not define any named appearances, setting the APPEARANCE_FILTER flag and the appearance entry in the seed value dictionary will make pyHanko refuse to sign the document.

    When validating, the situation is different: since pyHanko has no way of knowing whether the signer used the named appearance imposed by the seed value dictionary, it will simply emit a warning and continue validating the signature.


Makes the signature handler setting mandatory. PyHanko only supports /Adobe.PPKLite.


See subfilters.

V = 4

See sv_dict_version.


See reasons.


See legal_attestations.


See add_rev_info.


See digest_method.


See lock_document.


See appearance.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.SigCertConstraints(flags: ~pyhanko.sign.fields.SigCertConstraintFlags = <SigCertConstraintFlags: 0>, subjects: ~typing.List[~asn1crypto.x509.Certificate] | None = None, subject_dn: ~asn1crypto.x509.Name | None = None, issuers: ~typing.List[~asn1crypto.x509.Certificate] | None = None, info_url: str | None = None, url_type: ~pyhanko.pdf_utils.generic.NameObject = '/Browser', key_usage: ~typing.List[~pyhanko.sign.fields.SigCertKeyUsage] | None = None)

Bases: object

This part of the seed value dictionary allows the document author to set constraints on the signer’s certificate.

See Table 235 in ISO 32000-1.

flags: SigCertConstraintFlags = 0

Enforcement flags. By default, all entries are optional.

subjects: List[Certificate] | None = None

Explicit list of certificates that can be used to sign a signature field.

subject_dn: Name | None = None

Certificate subject names that can be used to sign a signature field. Subject DN entries that are not mentioned are unconstrained.

issuers: List[Certificate] | None = None

List of issuer certificates that the signer certificate can be issued by. Note that these issuers do not need to be the direct issuer of the signer’s certificate; any descendant relationship will do.

info_url: str | None = None

Informational URL that should be opened when an appropriate certificate cannot be found (if url_type is /Browser, that is).


PyHanko ignores this value, but we include it for compatibility.

url_type: NameObject = '/Browser'

Handler that should be used to open info_url. /Browser is the only implementation-independent value.

key_usage: List[SigCertKeyUsage] | None = None

Specify the key usage extensions that should (or should not) be present on the signer’s certificate.

classmethod from_pdf_object(pdf_dict)

Read a PDF dictionary into a SigCertConstraints object.


pdf_dict – A DictionaryObject.


A SigCertConstraints object.


Render this SigCertConstraints object to a PDF dictionary.


A DictionaryObject.

satisfied_by(signer: Certificate, validation_path: ValidationPath | None)

Evaluate whether a signing certificate satisfies the required constraints of this SigCertConstraints object.

  • signer – The candidate signer’s certificate.

  • validation_path – Validation path of the signer’s certificate.


UnacceptableSignerError – Raised if the conditions are not met.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.SigSeedValueSpec(flags: ~pyhanko.sign.fields.SigSeedValFlags = <SigSeedValFlags: 0>, reasons: ~typing.List[str] | None = None, timestamp_server_url: str | None = None, timestamp_required: bool = False, cert: ~pyhanko.sign.fields.SigCertConstraints | None = None, subfilters: ~typing.List[~pyhanko.sign.fields.SigSeedSubFilter] | None = None, digest_methods: ~typing.List[str] | None = None, add_rev_info: bool | None = None, seed_signature_type: ~pyhanko.sign.fields.SeedSignatureType | None = None, sv_dict_version: ~pyhanko.sign.fields.SeedValueDictVersion | int | None = None, legal_attestations: ~typing.List[str] | None = None, lock_document: ~pyhanko.sign.fields.SeedLockDocument | None = None, appearance: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Python representation of a PDF seed value dictionary.

flags: SigSeedValFlags = 0

Enforcement flags. By default, all entries are optional.

reasons: List[str] | None = None

Acceptable reasons for signing.

timestamp_server_url: str | None = None

RFC 3161 timestamp server endpoint suggestion.

timestamp_required: bool = False

Flags whether a timestamp is required. This flag is only meaningful if timestamp_server_url is specified.

cert: SigCertConstraints | None = None

Constraints on the signer’s certificate.

subfilters: List[SigSeedSubFilter] | None = None

Acceptable /SubFilter values.

digest_methods: List[str] | None = None

Acceptable digest methods.

add_rev_info: bool | None = None

Indicates whether revocation information should be embedded.


This flag exclusively refers to the Adobe-style revocation information embedded within the CMS object that is written to the signature field. PAdES-style revocation information that is saved to the document security store (DSS) does not satisfy the requirement. Additionally, the standard mandates that /SubFilter be equal to /adbe.pkcs7.detached if this flag is True.

seed_signature_type: SeedSignatureType | None = None

Specifies the type of signature that should occupy a signature field; this represents the /MDP entry in the seed value dictionary. See SeedSignatureType for details.


Since a certification-type signature is by definition the first signature applied to a document, compliance with this requirement cannot be cryptographically enforced.

sv_dict_version: SeedValueDictVersion | int | None = None

Specifies the compliance level required of a seed value dictionary processor. If None, pyHanko will compute an appropriate value.


You may also specify this value directly as an integer. This covers potential future versions of the standard that pyHanko does not support out of the box.

legal_attestations: List[str] | None = None

Specifies the possible legal attestations that a certification signature occupying this signature field can supply. The corresponding flag in flags indicates whether this is a mandatory constraint.


Since legal_attestations is only relevant for certification signatures, compliance with this requirement cannot be reliably enforced. Regardless, since pyHanko’s validator is also unaware of legal attestation settings, it will refuse to validate signatures where this seed value constitutes a mandatory constraint.

Additionally, since pyHanko does not support legal attestation specifications at all, it vacuously satisfies the requirements of this entry no matter what, and will therefore ignore it when signing.

lock_document: SeedLockDocument | None = None

Tell the signer whether or not the document should be locked after signing this field; see SeedLockDocument for details.

The corresponding flag in flags indicates whether this constraint is mandatory.

appearance: str | None = None

Specify a named appearance to use when generating the signature. The corresponding flag in flags indicates whether this constraint is mandatory.


There is no standard registry of named appearances, so these constraints are not portable, and cannot be validated.

PyHanko currently does not define any named appearances.


Render this SigSeedValueSpec object to a PDF dictionary.


A DictionaryObject.

classmethod from_pdf_object(pdf_dict)

Read from a seed value dictionary.


pdf_dict – A DictionaryObject.


A SigSeedValueSpec object.


Return a timestamper object based on the timestamp_server_url attribute of this SigSeedValueSpec object.


A HTTPTimeStamper.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.SigCertConstraintFlags(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Flag

Flags for the /Ff entry in the certificate seed value dictionary for a dictionary field. These mark which of the constraints are to be strictly enforced, as opposed to optional ones.


While this enum records values for all flags, not all corresponding constraint types have been implemented yet.


See SigCertConstraints.subjects.


See SigCertConstraints.issuers.

OID = 4

Currently not supported.


See SigCertConstraints.subject_dn.


Currently not supported (reserved).


See SigCertConstraints.key_usage.

URL = 64

See SigCertConstraints.info_url.


As specified in the standard, this enforcement bit is supposed to be ignored by default. We include it for compatibility reasons.


Flags for which the corresponding constraint is unsupported.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.SigSeedSubFilter(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Enum declaring all supported /SubFilter values.

ADOBE_PKCS7_DETACHED = '/adbe.pkcs7.detached'
PADES = '/ETSI.CAdES.detached'
ETSI_RFC3161 = '/ETSI.RFC3161'
class pyhanko.sign.fields.SeedValueDictVersion(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: OrderedEnum

Specify the minimal compliance level for a seed value dictionary processor.

PDF_1_5 = 1

Require the reader to understand all keys defined in PDF 1.5.

PDF_1_7 = 2

Require the reader to understand all keys defined in PDF 1.7.

PDF_2_0 = 3

Require the reader to understand all keys defined in PDF 2.0.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.SeedLockDocument(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Provides a recommendation to the signer as to whether the document should be locked after signing. The corresponding flag in SigSeedValueSpec.flags determines whether this constraint is a required constraint.

LOCK = '/true'

Lock the document after signing.

DO_NOT_LOCK = '/false'

Lock the document after signing.


Leave the decision up to the signer.


This is functionally equivalent to not specifying any value.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.SigCertKeyUsage(must_have: KeyUsage | None = None, forbidden: KeyUsage | None = None)

Bases: object

Encodes the key usage bits that must (resp. must not) be active on the signer’s certificate.


See § in RFC 5280 and KeyUsage for more information on key usage extensions.


The human-readable names of the key usage extensions are recorded in camelCase in RFC 5280, but this class uses the naming convention of KeyUsage in asn1crypto. The conversion is done by replacing camelCase with snake_case. For example, nonRepudiation becomes non_repudiation, and digitalSignature turns into digital_signature.


This class is intended to closely replicate the definition of the KeyUsage entry Table 235 in ISO 32000-1. In particular, it does not provide a mechanism to deal with extended key usage extensions (cf. § in RFC 5280).

  • must_have – The KeyUsage object encoding the key usage extensions that must be present on the signer’s certificate.

  • forbidden – The KeyUsage object encoding the key usage extensions that must not be present on the signer’s certificate.


Encode the key usage requirements in the format specified in the PDF specification.


A string.

classmethod read_from_sv_string(ku_str)

Parse a PDF KeyUsage string into an instance of SigCertKeyUsage. See Table 235 in ISO 32000-1.


ku_str – A PDF KeyUsage string.


An instance of SigCertKeyUsage.

classmethod from_sets(must_have: Set[str] | None = None, forbidden: Set[str] | None = None)

Initialise a SigCertKeyUsage object from two sets.

  • must_have – The key usage extensions that must be present on the signer’s certificate.

  • forbidden – The key usage extensions that must not be present on the signer’s certificate.


A SigCertKeyUsage object encoding these.

must_have_set() Set[str]

Return the set of key usage extensions that must be present on the signer’s certificate.

forbidden_set() Set[str]

Return the set of key usage extensions that must not be present on the signer’s certificate.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.MDPPerm(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: OrderedEnum

Indicates a /DocMDP level.

Cf. Table 254 in ISO 32000-1.


No changes to the document are allowed.


This does not apply to DSS updates and the addition of document time stamps.


Form filling & signing is allowed.


Form filling, signing and commenting are allowed.


Validating this /DocMDP level is not currently supported, but included in the list for completeness.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.FieldMDPAction(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Marker for the scope of a /FieldMDP policy.

ALL = '/All'

The policy locks all form fields.

INCLUDE = '/Include'

The policy locks all fields in the list (see FieldMDPSpec.fields).

EXCLUDE = '/Exclude'

The policy locks all fields except those specified in the list (see FieldMDPSpec.fields).

class pyhanko.sign.fields.FieldMDPSpec(action: FieldMDPAction, fields: List[str] | None = None)

Bases: object

/FieldMDP policy description.

This class models both field lock dictionaries and /FieldMDP transformation parameters.

action: FieldMDPAction

Indicates the scope of the policy.

fields: List[str] | None = None

Indicates the fields subject to the policy, unless action is FieldMDPAction.ALL.

as_pdf_object() DictionaryObject

Render this /FieldMDP policy description as a PDF dictionary.


A DictionaryObject.

as_transform_params() DictionaryObject

Render this /FieldMDP policy description as a PDF dictionary, ready for inclusion into the /TransformParams entry of a /FieldMDP dictionary associated with a signature object.


A DictionaryObject.

as_sig_field_lock() DictionaryObject

Render this /FieldMDP policy description as a PDF dictionary, ready for inclusion into the /Lock dictionary of a signature field.


A DictionaryObject.

classmethod from_pdf_object(pdf_dict) FieldMDPSpec

Read a PDF dictionary into a FieldMDPSpec object.


pdf_dict – A DictionaryObject.


A FieldMDPSpec object.

is_locked(field_name: str) bool

Adjudicate whether a field should be locked by the policy described by this FieldMDPSpec object.


field_name – The name of a form field.


True if the field should be locked, False otherwise.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.SignatureFormField(field_name, *, box=None, include_on_page=None, combine_annotation=True, invis_settings: InvisSigSettings = InvisSigSettings(set_print_flag=True, set_hidden_flag=False, box_out_of_bounds=False), visible_settings: VisibleSigSettings = VisibleSigSettings(rotate_with_page=True, scale_with_page_zoom=True, print_signature=True), annot_flags=None)

Bases: DictionaryObject

register_widget_annotation(writer: BasePdfFileWriter, sig_field_ref)
class pyhanko.sign.fields.InvisSigSettings(set_print_flag: bool = True, set_hidden_flag: bool = False, box_out_of_bounds: bool = False)

Bases: object

Invisible signature widget generation settings.

These settings exist because there is no real way of including an untagged invisible signature in a document that complies with the requirements of both PDF/A-2 (or -3) and PDF/UA-1.

Compatibility with PDF/A (the default) requires the print flag to be set. Compatibility with PDF/UA requires the hidden flag to be set (which is banned in PDF/A) or the box to be outside the crop box.

set_print_flag: bool = True

Set the print flag. Required in PDF/A.

set_hidden_flag: bool = False

Set the hidden flag. Required in PDF/UA.

box_out_of_bounds: bool = False

Put the box out of bounds (technically, this just makes the box zero-sized with large negative coordinates).

This is a hack to get around the fact that PDF/UA requires the hidden flag to be set on all in-bounds untagged annotations, and some validators consider [0, 0, 0, 0] to be an in-bounds rectangle if (0, 0) is a point that falls within the crop box.

class pyhanko.sign.fields.VisibleSigSettings(rotate_with_page: bool = True, scale_with_page_zoom: bool = True, print_signature: bool = True)

Bases: object

Added in version 0.14.0.

Additional flags used when setting up visible signature widgets.

rotate_with_page: bool = True

Allow the signature widget to rotate with the page if rotation is applied (e.g. by way of the page’s /Rotate entry). Default is True.


If False, this will cause the NoRotate flag to be set.

scale_with_page_zoom: bool = True

Allow the signature widget to scale with the page’s zoom level. Default is True.


If False, this will cause the NoZoom flag to be set.

print_signature: bool = True

Render the signature when the document is printed. Default True.

pyhanko.sign.fields.enumerate_sig_fields(handler: PdfHandler, filled_status: bool | None = None, with_name: str | None = None)

Enumerate signature fields.

  • handler – The PdfHandler to operate on.

  • filled_status – Optional boolean. If True (resp. False) then all filled (resp. empty) fields are returned. If left None (the default), then all fields are returned.

  • with_name – If not None, only look for fields with the specified name.


A generator producing signature fields.

pyhanko.sign.fields.append_signature_field(pdf_out: BasePdfFileWriter, sig_field_spec: SigFieldSpec)

Append signature fields to a PDF file.

  • pdf_out – Incremental writer to house the objects.

  • sig_field_spec – A SigFieldSpec object describing the signature field to add.

pyhanko.sign.fields.ensure_sig_flags(writer: BasePdfFileWriter, lock_sig_flags: bool = True)

Ensure the SigFlags setting is present in the AcroForm dictionary.

  • writer – A PDF writer.

  • lock_sig_flags – Whether to flag the document as append-only.

pyhanko.sign.fields.prepare_sig_field(sig_field_name, root, update_writer: BasePdfFileWriter, existing_fields_only=False, **kwargs)

Returns a tuple of a boolean and a reference to a signature field. The boolean is True if the field was created, and False otherwise.


This function is internal API.

pyhanko.sign.fields.apply_sig_field_spec_properties(pdf_out: BasePdfFileWriter, sig_field: DictionaryObject, sig_field_spec: SigFieldSpec)

Internal function to apply field spec properties to a newly created field.

pyhanko.sign.fields.annot_width_height(annot_dict: DictionaryObject) Tuple[float, float]

Internal function to compute the width and height of an annotation.


annot_dict – Annotation dictionary.


a (width, height) tuple

pyhanko.sign.fields.get_sig_field_annot(sig_field: DictionaryObject) DictionaryObject

Internal function to get the annotation of a signature field.


sig_field – A signature field dictionary.


The dictionary of the corresponding annotation.

pyhanko.sign.general module

General tools related to Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) signatures, not necessarily to the extent implemented in the PDF specification.

CMS is defined in RFC 5652. To parse CMS messages, pyHanko relies heavily on asn1crypto.

pyhanko.sign.general.simple_cms_attribute(attr_type, value)

Convenience method to quickly construct a CMS attribute object with one value.

  • attr_type – The attribute type, as a string or OID.

  • value – The value.


A cms.CMSAttribute object.

pyhanko.sign.general.find_cms_attribute(attrs, name)

Find and return CMS attribute values of a given type.


This function will also check for duplicates, but not in the sense of multivalued attributes. In other words: multivalued attributes are allowed; listing the same attribute OID more than once is not.

  • attrs – The cms.CMSAttributes object.

  • name – The attribute type as a string (as defined in asn1crypto).


The values associated with the requested type, if present.

pyhanko.sign.general.find_unique_cms_attribute(attrs, name)

Find and return a unique CMS attribute value of a given type.

  • attrs – The cms.CMSAttributes object.

  • name – The attribute type as a string (as defined in asn1crypto).


The value associated with the requested type, if present.

exception pyhanko.sign.general.NonexistentAttributeError

Bases: KeyError

exception pyhanko.sign.general.MultivaluedAttributeError

Bases: ValueError

exception pyhanko.sign.general.SigningError(msg: str, *args)

Bases: ValueError

Error encountered while signing a file.

exception pyhanko.sign.general.UnacceptableSignerError(msg: str, *args)

Bases: SigningError

Error raised when a signer was judged unacceptable.

class pyhanko.sign.general.SignedDataCerts(signer_cert: Certificate, other_certs: List[Certificate], attribute_certs: List[AttributeCertificateV2])

Bases: object

Value type to describe certificates included in a CMS signed data payload.

signer_cert: Certificate

The certificate identified as the signer’s certificate.

other_certs: List[Certificate]

Other (public-key) certificates included in the signed data object.

attribute_certs: List[AttributeCertificateV2]

Attribute certificates included in the signed data object.

pyhanko.sign.general.extract_signer_info(signed_data: SignedData) SignerInfo

Extract the unique SignerInfo entry of a CMS signed data value, or throw a ValueError.


signed_data – A CMS SignedData value.


A CMS SignerInfo value.


ValueError – If the number of SignerInfo values is not exactly one.

pyhanko.sign.general.extract_certificate_info(signed_data: SignedData) SignedDataCerts

Extract and classify embedded certificates found in the certificates field of the signed data value.


signed_data – A CMS SignedData value.


A SignedDataCerts object containing the embedded certificates.

pyhanko.sign.general.get_cms_hash_algo_for_mechanism(mech: SignedDigestAlgorithm) str

Internal function that takes a SignedDigestAlgorithm instance and returns the name of the digest algorithm that has to be used to compute the messageDigest attribute.


mech – A signature mechanism.


A digest algorithm name.

pyhanko.sign.general.get_pyca_cryptography_hash(algorithm) HashAlgorithm
pyhanko.sign.general.get_pyca_cryptography_hash_for_signing(algorithm, prehashed=False) HashAlgorithm | Prehashed
pyhanko.sign.general.optimal_pss_params(cert: Certificate, digest_algorithm: str) RSASSAPSSParams

Figure out the optimal RSASSA-PSS parameters for a given certificate. The subject’s public key must be an RSA key.

  • cert – An RSA X.509 certificate.

  • digest_algorithm – The digest algorithm to use.


RSASSA-PSS parameters.

pyhanko.sign.general.process_pss_params(params: RSASSAPSSParams, digest_algorithm, prehashed=False)

Extract PSS padding settings and message digest from an RSASSAPSSParams value.

Internal API.

pyhanko.sign.general.as_signing_certificate(cert: Certificate) SigningCertificate

Format an ASN.1 SigningCertificate object, where the certificate is identified by its SHA-1 digest.


cert – An X.509 certificate.


A tsp.SigningCertificate object referring to the original certificate.

pyhanko.sign.general.as_signing_certificate_v2(cert: Certificate, hash_algo='sha256') SigningCertificateV2

Format an ASN.1 SigningCertificateV2 value, where the certificate is identified by the hash algorithm specified.

  • cert – An X.509 certificate.

  • hash_algo – Hash algorithm to use to digest the certificate. Default is SHA-256.


A tsp.SigningCertificateV2 object referring to the original certificate.

pyhanko.sign.general.match_issuer_serial(expected_issuer_serial: IssuerAndSerialNumber | IssuerSerial, cert: Certificate) bool

Match the issuer and serial number of an X.509 certificate against some expected identifier.

  • expected_issuer_serial – A certificate identifier, either cms.IssuerAndSerialNumber or tsp.IssuerSerial.

  • cert – An x509.Certificate.


True if there’s a match, False otherwise.

pyhanko.sign.general.check_ess_certid(cert: Certificate, certid: ESSCertID | ESSCertIDv2)

Match an ESSCertID value against a certificate.

  • cert – The certificate to match against.

  • certid – The ESSCertID value.


True if the ESSCertID matches the certificate, False otherwise.

exception pyhanko.sign.general.CMSExtractionError(failure_message)

Bases: ValueErrorWithMessage

pyhanko.sign.general.byte_range_digest(stream: IO, byte_range: Iterable[int], md_algorithm: str, chunk_size=4096) Tuple[int, bytes]

Internal API to compute byte range digests. Potentially dangerous if used without due caution.

  • stream – Stream over which to compute the digest. Must support seeking and reading.

  • byte_range – The byte range, as a list of (offset, length) pairs, flattened.

  • md_algorithm – The message digest algorithm to use.

  • chunk_size – The I/O chunk size to use.


A tuple of the total digested length, and the actual digest.

exception pyhanko.sign.general.ValueErrorWithMessage(failure_message)

Bases: ValueError

Value error with a failure message attribute that can be conveniently extracted, instead of having to rely on extracting exception args generically.

exception pyhanko.sign.general.CMSStructuralError(failure_message)

Bases: ValueErrorWithMessage

Structural error in a CMS object.


A convenience function to load a single PEM/DER-encoded certificate from a file.


cert_file – A file name.


An asn1crypto.x509.Certificate object.


A convenience function to load PEM/DER-encoded certificates from files.


cert_files – An iterable of file names.


A generator producing asn1crypto.x509.Certificate objects.

pyhanko.sign.general.load_certs_from_pemder_data(cert_data_bytes: bytes)

A convenience function to load PEM/DER-encoded certificates from binary data.


cert_data_bytesbytes object from which to extract certificates.


A generator producing asn1crypto.x509.Certificate objects.

pyhanko.sign.general.load_private_key_from_pemder(key_file, passphrase: bytes | None) PrivateKeyInfo

A convenience function to load PEM/DER-encoded keys from files.

  • key_file – File to read the key from.

  • passphrase – Key passphrase.


A private key encoded as an unencrypted PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo object.

pyhanko.sign.general.load_private_key_from_pemder_data(key_bytes: bytes, passphrase: bytes | None) PrivateKeyInfo

A convenience function to load PEM/DER-encoded keys from binary data.

  • key_bytesbytes object to read the key from.

  • passphrase – Key passphrase.


A private key encoded as an unencrypted PKCS#8 PrivateKeyInfo object.

pyhanko.sign.pkcs11 module

This module provides PKCS#11 integration for pyHanko, by providing a wrapper for python-pkcs11 that can be seamlessly plugged into a PdfSigner.

class pyhanko.sign.pkcs11.PKCS11Signer(pkcs11_session: Session, cert_label: str | None = None, signing_cert: Certificate | None = None, ca_chain=None, key_label: str | None = None, prefer_pss=False, embed_roots=True, other_certs_to_pull=(), bulk_fetch=True, key_id: bytes | None = None, cert_id: bytes | None = None, use_raw_mechanism=False)

Bases: Signer

Signer implementation for PKCS11 devices.

  • pkcs11_session – The PKCS11 session object to use.

  • cert_label – The label of the certificate that will be used for signing, to be pulled from the PKCS#11 token.

  • cert_id – ID of the certificate object that will be used for signing, to be pulled from the PKCS#11 token.

  • signing_cert – The signer’s certificate. If the signer’s certificate is provided via this parameter, the cert_label and cert_id parameters will not be used to retrieve the signer’s certificate.

  • ca_chain – Set of other relevant certificates (as asn1crypto.x509.Certificate objects).

  • key_label

    The label of the key that will be used for signing. Defaults to the value of cert_label if left unspecified and key_id is also unspecified.


    At least one of key_id, key_label and cert_label must be supplied.

  • key_id – ID of the private key object (optional).

  • other_certs_to_pull – List labels of other certificates to pull from the PKCS#11 device. Defaults to the empty tuple. If None, pull all certificates.

  • bulk_fetch – Boolean indicating the fetching strategy. If True, fetch all certs and filter the unneeded ones. If False, fetch the requested certs one by one. Default value is True, unless other_certs_to_pull has one or fewer elements, in which case it is always treated as False.

  • use_raw_mechanism

    Use the ‘raw’ equivalent of the selected signature mechanism. This is useful when working with tokens that do not support a hash-then-sign mode of operation.


    This functionality is only available for ECDSA at this time. Support for other signature schemes will be added on an as-needed basis.

property cert_registry: CertificateStore

Changed in version 0.18.0: Turned into a property instead of a class attribute.

Collection of certificates associated with this signer. Note that this is simply a bookkeeping tool; in particular it doesn’t care about trust.

property signing_cert

Changed in version 0.14.0: Made optional (see note)

Changed in version 0.18.0: Turned into a property instead of a class attribute.

The certificate that will be used to create the signature.


This is an optional field only to a limited extent. Subclasses may require it to be present, and not setting it at the beginning of the signing process implies that certain high-level convenience features will no longer work or be limited in function (e.g., automatic hash selection, appearance generation, revocation information collection, …).

However, making signing_cert optional enables certain signing workflows where the certificate of the signer is not known until the signature has actually been produced. This is most relevant in certain types of remote signing scenarios.

async async_sign_raw(data: bytes, digest_algorithm: str, dry_run=False) bytes

Compute the raw cryptographic signature of the data provided, hashed using the digest algorithm provided.

  • data – Data to sign.

  • digest_algorithm

    Digest algorithm to use.


    If signature_mechanism also specifies a digest, they should match.

  • dry_run – Do not actually create a signature, but merely output placeholder bytes that would suffice to contain an actual signature.


Signature bytes.

async ensure_objects_loaded()

Async method that, when awaited, ensures that objects (relevant certificates, key handles, …) are loaded.

This coroutine is guaranteed to be called & awaited in sign_raw(), but some property implementations may cause object loading to be triggered synchronously (for backwards compatibility reasons). This blocks the event loop the first time it happens.

To avoid this behaviour, asynchronous code should ideally perform await signer.ensure_objects_loaded() after instantiating the signer.


The asynchronous context manager on PKCS11SigningContext takes care of that automatically.

pyhanko.sign.pkcs11.open_pkcs11_session(lib_location: str, slot_no: int | None = None, token_label: str | None = None, token_criteria: TokenCriteria | None = None, user_pin: str | object | None = None) Session

Open a PKCS#11 session

  • lib_location – Path to the PKCS#11 module.

  • slot_no – Slot number to use. If not specified, the first slot containing a token labelled token_label will be used.

  • token_label

    Deprecated since version 0.14.0: Use token_criteria instead.

    Label of the token to use. If None, there is no constraint.

  • token_criteria – Criteria that the token should match.

  • user_pin

    User PIN to use, or PROTECTED_AUTH. If None, authentication is skipped.


    Some PKCS#11 implementations do not require PIN when the token is opened, but will prompt for it out-of-band when signing. Whether PROTECTED_AUTH or None is used in this case depends on the implementation.


An open PKCS#11 session object.

class pyhanko.sign.pkcs11.PKCS11SigningContext(config: PKCS11SignatureConfig, user_pin: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Context manager for PKCS#11 configurations.

pyhanko.sign.pkcs11.find_token(slots: List[Slot], slot_no: int | None = None, token_criteria: TokenCriteria | None = None) Token | None

Internal helper method to find a token.

  • slots – The list of slots.

  • slot_no – Slot number to use. If not specified, the first slot containing a token satisfying the criteria will be used

  • token_criteria – Criteria the token must satisfy.


A PKCS#11 token object, or None if none was found.

pyhanko.sign.pkcs11.select_pkcs11_signing_params(signature_mechanism: SignedDigestAlgorithm, digest_algorithm: str, use_raw_mechanism: bool) PKCS11SignatureOperationSpec

Internal helper function to set up a PKCS #11 signing operation.

  • signature_mechanism – The signature mechanism to use (as an ASN.1 value)

  • digest_algorithm – The digest algorithm to use

  • use_raw_mechanism – Whether to attempt to use the raw mechanism on pre-hashed data.


Module contents